Young Carers Accreditation

Young Carers Accreditation

We are pleased to announce that we have received our Young Carers accreditation and the logo now appears on our website and all school letters. For more information please visit our Young Carers section.  
Young Carers Accreditation

Woodland Trust’s Green Tree School – Gold Award

Building upon our previous work towards the bronze and silver levels of the Woodland Trust’s Green Tree School Award, we have now earned the gold level of the award. Miss Potts led an assembly ‘The Man Who Planted Trees’ for the upper school and then children in...
Young Carers Accreditation

Wrap Around Care

What we offer In addition to the 15 hours free entitlement we provide for all 3 and 4 year olds we are now offering a limited amount of Wrap Around Care places available from 8:00am until 6:00pm, during term time. Within this additional time your child will be able to...
Young Carers Accreditation

2 Year Old Free Entitlement

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering up to 15 hours free education for qualifying 2 year olds. If you meet any of the following criteria you may be eligible: Income Support Job Seekers Allowance Support for a “Looked After” child Current...