School Attendance



DFE Circular No. 11/91

The school actively encourages full attendance at all times throughout the school year. If your child is due to be absent through ill health, you must inform the main school office before 9.15 a.m. on the first day of absence, otherwise it will be recorded as unauthorised. We have a duty to monitor children’s attendance very closely throughout the school year and any causes of concern will be reported to the Attendance Improvement Team (AIT) .

Attendance Officer

Mr. Murphy is our school Attendance Officer, his role is to support those children and families who have issues with attendance and punctuality. He works with families and identifies methods of improving the child’s attendance. Where there is no clear improvement in a child’s attendance, the family will be referred to the local authority for further action.

Roles and Responsibilities can be found by clicking here.



  • Percentage boards inside or outside each classroom.
  • DOJO points are awarded for attending morning and afternoon sessions.
  • Each week the class with the best attendance receives a certificate and £10.00.
  • Celebration of class in newsletter
  • 100% attendance reward prizes for EYFS
  • Pupils with 98%+ are entered into a draw for a £5.00 reward each half term.
  • The families with 100% each half term are entered into a draw to receive a £30.00 ASDA voucher.
  • The school presents pupils with 98%+ attendance certificates at the end of each term
  • All children who achieve 100% attendance for the school year will have Afternoon Tea with Mrs Northcott
  • All children who achieve 100% attendance for the school year are entered into a draw for the chance to win a new bike.

Leave of absence (medical and holidays)

Regular attendance and punctuality at school is essential for every child. Any request for leave of absence must be made prior to the event and must be for exceptional circumstances. Evidence will be required to support any term time leave of absence. Holidays are not classed as exceptional circumstances. If permission from the head teacher is not requested for a leave of absence during term time, children will be given an unauthorised absence and parents may face a potential fine for continued high levels of absence.

Attendance Agreement >
Advice on childhood illness >
LOA Request Form >

1 or 2 days a week doesn’t seem much but………

If you miss...That equals...Which is...And over 13 years of schooling that's...
1 day per fortnight20 days per year4 weeks a yearNearly 1.5 years
1 day per week40 days per year8 weeks a yearOver 2.5 years
2 day per week80 days per year16 weeks a yearOver 5 years
3 day per week120 days per year24 weeks a yearNearly 8 years

Being late adds up…………

  • Arriving 5 minutes late everyday adds up to over 3 days lost each year.
  • Arriving 15 minutes late everyday is the same as being absent for 2 weeks a year.
  • Arriving 30 minutes late everyday is the same as being absent for 19 days a year.
