A Message from our Head Teacher
A warm welcome to Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School
I am really proud to be Head Teacher at Dean Bank Primary School and to work with a dedicated team to provide the best education and life skills for the children in our care.
The school has a clear vision which holds our school values at the core of everything we do, these are HONESTY, FAIRNESS, EMPATHY, TOLERANCE, RESILIENCE and RESPECT.
We strive to ensure all our children achieve their academic potential but also ensure that our Curriculum for Life, supports our pupils with healthy lifestyle choices, mental health and wellbeing and socially developing skills which will be needed as they move on through life.
The education and welfare of our children is paramount and I am proud of how hard our staff and governors work to build positive relationships with our families and community and have enjoyed putting the school back into the centre of Dean Bank.
I extend a warm welcome to you and hope that this website contains all the information you need. Feel free to contact school if you would like to find out any further information regarding our very special school.
Mr Craig Brown
Key Information
Please see below, the statutory information which schools must provide via their website.
Our Classes
In this section you will find information about each class, including the teacher’s name, the class curriculum or topic plans, our approach to reading and maths and information of what each class is learning about and evidence of work.
For more information regarding our curriculum please choose from the following:
Our Ethos
Our school is committed to providing the very best for all our children. We believe that all individuals should be valued in a positive and supportive environment. Their time at Dean Bank Primary School should be about developing their talents, learning attitudes and character, so that our children will want to go on learning forever.
School Calendar
We aim to help children to…