Welcome to Class 4
Welcome to Year 4.
Mrs Kirkwood is the class teacher with Miss Lockett and Mrs Suter working closely alongside her to support classroom learning. There is lots to look forward to throughout the year and we’d like to take this opportunity to give you some information about what your child will be learning.
In the autumn term, we’ll focus heavily on reinforcing prior learning from Year 3 whilst introducing new, more challenging concepts in all of our subjects. Children will focus on place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in our number work; and area as part of the work on measurement in our maths lessons. We will also work hard to begin to prepare the children for the Multiplication Tables Check that all children in Year 4 have to complete later in the year. Our work in English will be planned around two exciting class texts for this term – Brand New Boy and The Journey. We’ll also develop our knowledge of states of matter and animals including humans in science. For history, we’ll learn about Life in Britain during The Roman Empire whilst studying Europe as part of our work in geography. As art lead, I’m looking forward to developing the children’s drawing skills when studying the work of British wildlife artist, Kate Wyatt. We’ve also got an exciting DT project to work on which involves making a moving card. The children will love taking part in swimming lessons this term as well as developing their gymnastics skills.
As we move into the spring term, swimming continues to be an important part of our PE curriculum, whilst also working on our dance moves as we prepare for the school dance festival. To build on our learning about The Bible from the autumn term, we will focus in more depth on what Christians believe about Jesus in our RE lessons. Multiplication and division will continue to have a strong emphasis in maths and we will also extend our knowledge of fractions, decimals, length and perimeter. For English, we’ll study one of my favourite class texts, Journey to Jo’Burg. We’ll also carry out lots of practical and outdoors work as we study electricity before moving onto living things and their habitats in science. The children can look forward to further developing their musical knowledge and talents as part of the Durham Instrumental Programme and will continue to practise speaking and listening to the French language with a focus on vocabulary related to My Family.
The summer term will involve final preparations for the Multiplication Tables Check whilst learning about money, time, shape and statistics. Our final class text in Year 4 is The Last Firefox which will add to the collection of books we’ll have enjoyed throughout the year in our Reading For Pleasure sessions. We’ll move onto another period of history to focus on The Vikings following our work on The Anglo-Saxons during the spring term. We’ll also have fun taking part in geography fieldwork activities of our local area as we consider how clean and safe Ferryhill is and we’ll extend our knowledge of the locality further in RE with a focus on the significance of Durham Cathedral today. For our art lessons, we can look forward to using our hands to create sculptures using ModRoc and developing our cooking skills as we design and make sandwiches in DT. Computing will build on knowledge gained during the previous terms about coding and online safety to introduce children to making effective searches and learning about AI.
This is just a taste of some of the learning and activities that the children will enjoy in Year 4. There will be so much more to look forward to as a class, including extra-curricular events for PE and other subjects. We hope that this information is of help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. We value your support with your child’s education, and we’ll help you wherever we can.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs Kirkwood

You can view further information about our curriculum and curriculum subjects on our website.
Long Term Plans 2024/2025
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