What we say about PSHE at Dean Bank Primary School
“I look forward to Jigsaw lessons because we learn new things every week and we do fun activities.” – Kieren, Year 6
“In Jigsaw we get to talk about our feelings a lot and how certain situations make us feel.” – Lilly May, Year 5
“I love Jigsaw because we learn more about our feelings.” – Evelyn, Year 2
Teaching PSHE, British Values and SMSC at Dean Bank
At Dean Bank Primary School, we are committed to developing opportunities to promote SMSC within our curriculum and the daily life of the school as part of our ‘Curriculum for Life’.
Each week the children have an assembly led by Mrs Hall dedicated to British Values and SMSC development, which is often based upon Picture News and discusses key issues each week linked to British Values and the protected characteristics. Classes then have a weekly class assembly where we reinforce these messages with linked tasks that are age appropriate for each key stage.
For our weekly PSHE lessons, we use the Jigsaw programme and also plan additional bespoke lessons based on our school values and national events such as Black History Month and European Day of Languages to meet the needs of our pupils. Mrs Hall is the teacher with responsibility for PSHE and SMSC within our school.
More about Picture News
As Picture News is based on up to date news events there is no long term planning but you can click here for the coverage document that indicates what was covered last year. Find out more about Picture News on their website here
More about Jigsaw
Jigsaw uses a half-termly scheme with each class covering a similar topic each half term but at an age appropriate level. Each half term, the topic is introduced in a whole school assembly by Mrs Hall before the children then learn more about the topic each week. There are links to British Values each week as indicated on the plan below.
Archived Curriculum for Life
You can view our Archived Curriculum for Life on our website.