Young Carers Accreditation

We are pleased to announce that we have received our Young Carers accreditation and the logo now appears on our website and all school letters.


Here is a section of the report we received from James York:

County Durham believes that Young Carers are young people first and carers second. They have the same rights as all other children and young people and should have access to the same facilities, services and support that is available to other young people across the County. However, young people who are also carers have other needs, which Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School obviously supports. The school should be commended on the very positive work they have undertaken to embrace and embed the Charter work into their school. It is creating a lasting legacy for young carers in the school, both currently and for any new children that choose to join their Young Carers Group. Therefore it is our pleasure and privilege to sign the County Durham Young Carers Charter with Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School.

The summary from a report written by James York

Young Carers Therapeutic Practitioner & Early Help Lead

Family Action – The Bridge Young Carers Service

Julie Scurfield, Strategic Manager, Durham County Council who approved our award added these comments to James’ report.

‘’I have considered the attached and am delighted to approve Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School receiving the County Durham Young Carers Charter.

The work that the school has carried out is excellent and to be commended. In particular the notice board which is really colourful an displays the Young Carers Pledge, the page on the School Website, the questionnaire carried out and the policy that has been adopted by the school which truly recognises the additional needs young carers may have and identifies the steps the school community will take to meet them.

Well done Dean Bank Primary & Nursery School.

Best wishes,


Our Young Carer’s Group – Caring Kids – now meets on a Thursday after school and we have a selection of games and a supply of arts and crafts materials to keep us entertained.

We have a copy of the charter which is  displayed in the school entrance.

The following information was part of the Headteacher’s Blog for May 2016:

Dean Bank Primary is part of County Durham’s Young Carers Charter initiative. We are aware that there are some people who are Carers and who are looking after someone in their family who is ill, disabled, has mental ill health or substance issues. This can often mean that, at times, Carers are isolated, unable to work or socialise, with no one to help them or be a friend. This can also be true for YOUNG CARERS and the impact this can have on their lives can be challenging.

We want the YOUNG CARERS in our school to be recognised and feel supported and to know they have someone to turn to if they need help.

If you have any of the following:-

♥ A relative who lives with you who, due to illness or disability, is cared for by you?

♥ A disability, a physical or mental health illness yourself?

♥ A drug or alcohol challenge?

If you said YES to any of the above questions, then you may find yourself relying on your child or children for help with the following:-

♥ General household chores

♥ Providing care (to yourself or the cared-for person) when the child is meant to be at school, or before or after school

♥ Childcare for younger siblings because of your illness

♥ Collecting benefits, prescriptions or shopping

♥ Attending doctor or hospital appointments

♥ Supporting you emotionally

If you feel you, your child or a child you know is in this situation then let us know so we can help. The contacts in our school are Mrs Northcott or Mrs Temple

Or contact Family Action, The Bridge Young Carers Service 01913832520