Mrs Sharon Temple

Mrs Sharon Temple

Appointed body – Co-Opted

Term of office ends – 19/04/25

Committee Membership – Curriculum Standards, Staffing, Appeals

Business Interest – None

Governor/Staff Relationship – None

Mrs S Temple

Hello my name is Sharon Temple and I am a co-opted governor here at Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School.

I was asked to join the Governing Body in December 2020,  shortly after I retired from teaching here at Dean Bank. I accepted the invitation as I was not quite ready to cut my ties with the school after having worked here for 27 years, all of my teaching career, as I started  here the day after I graduated from university in June 1992.

I wanted to be part of the Governing Body to continue to support the school and the staff in providing all our children with an excellent standard of education and a vast range of experiences to ensure they can fulfil their full potential whatever their background, special educational needs or disabilities.

During my time at Dean Bank, I was the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO), the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and, for a time, represented the staff on the Governing Body. The knowledge and experiences I gained over the years, have put me in a strong position to support, ask challenging questions of, and act as a critical friend to, the staff, Senior Leadership Team (SLT), SENDCO and DSL.