Mr Craig Brown

Mr C Brown

Appointed body – Headteacher

Term of office ends – n/a

Committee Membership – Curriculum Standards, Finance and Premises, First Pay Review, Staffing

Business Interest – None

Governor/Staff Relationship –Governor at another school, St Michaels CofE & St Francis Junior

Hello, I am Craig Brown, the Head Teacher at Dean Bank Primary and Nursery School. I enjoy watching and playing a variety of sports including football, rugby and cricket. When I am not exercising I like to sing and enjoy Wargaming as my hobby . Being part of the governing body enables me to be challenged by the school governors at all meetings to ensure that, as Head Teacher, I am ensuring that pupils are well cared for and leave Dean Bank happy, enthusiastic and willing to learn.

As a governor at two other schools, I am able to use these experiences to support the Governors at Dean Bank to further improve and challenge leaders in school.