active 30
Being active is part of our everyday culture at Dean Bank Primary School and we aim for all of our pupils to achieve Active 30 every day.
Every child in school has now been given a bean bag so teachers can make their lessons more active and use the bean bags for ‘brain breaks’ between lessons or activities.
Each morning, the children all take part in a 15 minute dance activity to help to get them ready to learn.
Also, the children have a longer break time this year, which includes 10 minutes of active play with their teachers, covering a range of activities: tag rugby, hula hooping, skipping, football, Fit for Life and many more! The children then have a further 10 minutes to continue with the activity or change to something else.
Find out more about Active 30 on the Active 30 Durham website. This also has lots of ideas for how you can stay active at home to make sure the children achieve their full 60 minutes of activity per day.